Why we do change wrong, decision-making wrong, vision wrong, people wrong, teams wrong, innovations wrong. +++ In our conversation, Bill Flynn an expert on start-ups and scaling business advocates for a radical change in leading organizations for a sustainable future. Your takeaway from this Leadership Espresso Podcast #5 👍 + why 70% of all change activities fail. + why people don’t hate change. They hate change put upon them. + how this formula for change works: dissatisfaction x vision x first steps > resistance. + why people change when they get meaning about their situation. + why trust arrives on foot and leaves in a Ferrari. + why it is important to know the difference between purpose and visio
Why organizations run best as a holistic system and how our body deals with complexity as a holistic system. +++ Dr. Steve Taubman, a chiropractor and a renowned mindfulness coach will help us really build the bridge from the body and how the body can cope and actually handle complexity and uncertainty. Your takeaway from this Leadership Espresso Podcast is:👍 💥 how to handle complexity by running your organization as a holistic system 💥 how distributed power and communication work for teams 💥how building relationships on trust is key, particularly with home-office 💥why being present, focused, and in integrity is the “new normal” in leadership 💥 how the art of silencing can handle the feeling of overwhelm #BLM & Business Leadership Matters is ONE. The art of listening to the edges of your organization where you learn most about any successful transformation. ++ Special Edition: #BLM or what “The White” can learn from “The Black” about listening. Pedro Silva II, a pastor, senior recruiter & linguist from Boulder, Colorado will help us understand why #BLM is also in your company. Why listening is a key virtue of leadership and how it will help transform your company. Your takeaway:👍 + why #BLM also represents a devalued part of your organization + how #BLM is being blind to your situation and denying there is a problem + how valueing the “minor” parts help come up with great quality like at #Toyota + how by sharing your gifts and being in service will build your value and the value of everyone around |
Stefan is a passionate inspirer, a true listener, a veritable observer and a world-photographer. He loves to immers himself into nature and captures the beauty, the power and the inspiration of it in profound photographs. ArchivE
March 2021